Hebrew: The Rainbow Language

Join Nitza as she interviews David Mathews of Manna from Heaven Ministries to discuss his NEWLY RELEASED – HOT OFF THE PRESS book THE RAINBOW LANGUAGE: The Sight, Sound & Color of the Holy Tongue.  Why is learning and speaking HEBREW so important?  How does the DaBaR – the Living Word relate to numbers and words.

For more information on Manna from Heaven Ministries, visit http://www.livingmanna.net/.  To purchase the book go to http://www.livingmanna.net/store/products/the-rainbow-language-the-sight-sound-color-of-the-holy-tongue/.  You may also purchase the book Remnant Remedy @ http://www.remnantremedy.com/store/index.php/shemen-oils/books-cases-charts-misc/rainbow-language.html