Gene Porter: Commonwealth of Israel Conference Report

June 8th:  Gene Porter, Radio Producer of 2,730 Years . . . and Counting!  As a delegate to Jerusalem’s recent C.O.I. Conference (Commonwealth of Israel), Gene will bring us up to date and report on the GLOBAL DIMENSIONS OF THE STORY OF ALL ISRAEL!.  

Gene Porter has been involved in the Hebrew Roots movement, and particularly the Two House movement, since encountering Batya Wootten’s classic book, Who is Israel? (2003).  Since then, he has become more and more enmeshed in various organizations and activities related to the awakening of the sons of Ephraim to their true identity.  The immersion of such has culminated and has been expressed in his weekly radio shows which he has produced since 2011.  Gene’s current radio show is broadcasted on blogtalk radio on Thursdays @ 9am Mountain time.    

His far-ranging interviews with many and varied persons having to do with the end-time emergence of the House of 10-Israel have given him the blessing of becoming acquainted with individuals all over the world who have various viewpoints and understandings regarding this phenomenon.

To Air LIVE @ June 8, 2017 on  Live show will ne recorded and post in archive within 10 – 14 days after airing here at

Additional Radio Interview of Interest: POST COI Conference
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