Daily, we acquire toxins via our food, the air we breathe and come in contact with including chemtrails, gardening and household cleaning chemicals*, prescription drugs, and personal care products such as shampoo, lotions, cosmetics, soap, toothpaste, etc. These toxins put a burden on the body and its elimination and purifying systems like the liver, bowels, kidney, gallbladder and skin.
Elohim gave us a wonderful body with the ability to, normally, eliminate such toxins. However, as the increase of sin permeates the earth, the body is bombarded with much more than it was created to handle. Therefore, like never before, it is important for us to be vigilant to choose LIFE when we choose what food we put into our body and what products we use that may contain toxins. Thus, the need for detoxing the body. One such way to detoxify is with the Ejuva 30-Day Herbal Body Detox Cleanse!